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Publishing: Unlocking the Mysteries with Susanne Paola Antonetta

What do literary agents do? What is the right way to submit to a literary journal? What's a "hybrid" press? How to create a publishing plan?

Susanne Paola Antonetta gives a helpful overview of publishing in literary magazines and more, covering all you need to know to get started. While the literary market is in the foreground for creative writers in any genre (poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, hybrids), other types of publication are also covered. The session is a presentation followed by a Q & A.

Susanne Paola Antonetta has published nonfiction including The Terrible Unlikelihood of Our Being Here, Make Me a Mother, A Mind Apart: Travels in the Neurodiverse, and Body Toxic. Her new book, The Devil’s Castle, is forthcoming. Her grants and awards include a New York Times Notable Book, an American Book Award, Ken Johnson/Nami award, a Pushcart, a finalist for poetry’s Lenore Marshall Award, and grants from the National Endowment for the Arts and other agencies. She also edits the Bellingham Review.

This is one of a two-part May guest series. The first talk in the series is by Alan Ziegler on May 6, 2024. Find the collection here.